Health Checks
Health Checks Mackay
Health Checks are of utmost importance nowadays especially with the busy lifestyle of the modern world. As with anything in life, age related wear and tear is a fact of life. As the saying goes “Prevention is always better than cure”.
Most diseases can be prevented or at the very least if detected early can be dealt with pronto.
Our health checks are designed to help you stay well, healthier and happy with life.
We design our health checks to suite both men and women as follows:
A. Men’s Health Check
- Height and weight measurement and BMI
- Blood Pressure check + ECG if applicable
- Blood sugar
- Waist Circumference
- Urinalysis
- Skin check
- Heart and Lung examination
- Lifestyle modification advice including smoking, alcohol if applicable
- Blood tests for Cholesterol, Prostate cancer if applicable
- Testes, Prostate and STI check if applicable
B. Women’s Health Check
- Height and Weight measurement and BMI
- Waist Circumference
- Blood pressure check + ECG if applicable
- Skin Check
- Breast examination
- Heart and Lung examination
- Pap smear or referral for same if there is any specific preference
- STI check if applicable
- Urinalysis
- Blood test referral for Cholesterol, Thyroid, Liver test functions and others
- Lifestyle modification advice including smoking, alcohol and weight management if applicable
- Please inform reception of your intention as a longer consultation time is required for Health Checks and a private fee applies.
Don’t procrastinate on your health!

We are in collaboration with other local Practices to provide fee-for-service After Hours emergency service at the Mater Mackay Emergency Care Centre on 4965 5444.
Emergencies are attended by the Mackay Base Hospital
(4885 6000) at no charge for current Medicare card holders.

Tel: 07 4957 5177
Fax: 07 4957 5033
Email us
Surgery Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm