Insurance Medicals

insurance medicalsInsurance Medicals may be requested most commonly for individuals wishing to establish personal insurance covers such as Life Insurance, Income Protection Policy etc…

A variety of tests are often requested by the insurer which may include:
Medical examination or
Medical + Blood screen + ECG + Spirometry

Blood tests commonly requested usually include but not limited to:
MBA20 (ie Full lipid profile, Electrolytes, Full blood count (FBC), ESR, Blood sugar, Liver function test (LFT)
Hepatitis B & C
HIV Screen

Please enquire for more details from reception and remember to bring along forms issued to you by the Insurer.

We are in collaboration with other local Practices to provide fee-for-service After Hours emergency service at the Mater Mackay Emergency Care Centre on 4965 5444.  

Emergencies are attended by the Mackay Base Hospital
(4885 6000)  at no charge for current Medicare card holders.

Tel:  07 4957 5177
Fax: 07 4957 5033
Email us
Surgery Hours:
Monday - Friday:   8.30am  - 5.00pm

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