Travel Vaccines

travelmed_iconHepatitis A & B vaccines may require more than one dose depending on individual pre-vaccination status, so it is imperative to book for your travel immunisations well in advance of your trip.

You will require an initial doctors consultation to review your planned destinations, duration of stay, allergy history, vaccination history, current and past medical history.

Private fee applies.

We are in collaboration with other local Practices to provide fee-for-service After Hours emergency service at the Mater Mackay Emergency Care Centre on 4965 5444.  

Emergencies are attended by the Mackay Base Hospital
(4885 6000)  at no charge for current Medicare card holders.

Tel:  07 4957 5177
Fax: 07 4957 5033
Email us
Surgery Hours:
Monday - Friday:   8.30am  - 5.00pm

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