We offer comprehensive immunisation services which include the following:
Childhood Immunisations as per the Australian National Immunisations Programme Schedule.
Adult Immunisations including applicable free vaccines for at risk older Australians 65 years and over also Indigenous people 50 years and over.
All childhood vaccines are Bulk Billed.
Government funded vaccines include Influenza (Flu) and Pneumococcal vaccines to prevent complications of these diseases in these vulnerable groups.
Please inform reception of yours or your child’s immunisation requirements in order to make an appropriate appointment with our experienced & friendly nursing staff.

We are in collaboration with other local Practices to provide fee-for-service After Hours emergency service at the Mater Mackay Emergency Care Centre on 4965 5444.
Emergencies are attended by the Mackay Base Hospital
(4885 6000) at no charge for current Medicare card holders.

Tel: 07 4957 5177
Fax: 07 4957 5033
Email us
Surgery Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm