Practice Doctors
Dr Gbenga Adepoju
Dr Gbenga is a very savvy family physician with 27 years post graduation GP experience, he is also a fellow of the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine.
He is a member of the College of Family Physician of South Africa. He has a post-graduate diploma in Anaesthesia and has worked as GP Anaesthetist and other roles in various local hospitals in South Africa and Western Australia.
His other special interests include Child Health, Men and Women’s Health.
VMO Mater Private Hospital, Mackay QLD
Dr Thavisha Goonewardane
Dr Thavisha joined this practice in 2015 after serving 13 years at the Mackay Base Hospital, including 6years in the Emergency Department and has post graduate qualifications in this field.
Thavisha has a particular interest in chronic disease management and lifestyle modification to improve health, she has a drive and enthusiasm for all aspects of family medicine.
She graduated in 1993 and her commitment and experience in both private and public sector enables her to deliver a qualtiy service in all aspects of general practice in family medicine.
VMO Mater Private Hospital, Mackay QLD

Practice Manager : Tania
Receptionists : Kylie , Liz , Pat , Kristen
Dr Gbenga Adepoju: MBBS, DA, MCFP (RSA), FACRRM, VMO Mater Private Hospital Mackay
Dr Thavisha Goonewardane: MBBS, E.D. Cert (ACEM), VMO Mater Private Hospital Mackay

We are in collaboration with other local Practices to provide fee-for-service After Hours emergency service at the Mater Mackay Emergency Care Centre on 4965 5444.
Emergencies are attended by the Mackay Base Hospital
(4885 6000) at no charge for current Medicare card holders.

Tel: 07 4957 5177
Fax: 07 4957 5033
Email us
Surgery Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm